dimarts, de gener 03, 2006

Crème de la crème brulée

Austin and I decided to ring in the new year with some art projects. We finally set up our art corner in the basement and I worked on stained glass while he painted. It turned out that our art corner lacked good light, though, so we abandoned those projects in favor of the culinary arts.

Using the kitchen torch we got for Christmas (and some ramekins from last Christmas), we tried crème brulée and were quite pleased with the tasty results. The custard could have set a bit longer and you have to be careful not to put too much sugar on top but all in all, we were very happy with the rich desserts.


At 4:46 p. m., de gener 03, 2006, Blogger rhyan/djay said...

How cow! Meghan & I totally made Creme Brulee with her family on Sunday night!


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