dilluns, de gener 23, 2006

Back in the Land of the Living, Mostly (whining ahead)

So I've been on a bit of a hiatus for one cool reason and one sucky reason. The cool reason is that I had a bit of time off so I did a lot of wedding planning. I got a lot accomplished and things are coming together really well. The only thing left to figure out is the DJ and we are working on that this week. Of course there are details to finalize and decisions to make but at least we have the main things booked and secured so the hard part is done (hopefully).

The sucky reason I've been MIA is that I finally decided to get my wisdom teeth out. My dentists have been recommending this for ten years but I was too chicken. I was warned that I could get an infection but it was being monitored by x-rays so it wasn't a huge issue. Well, I finally went in and the oral surgeon got all huffy because the roots had continued to grow and wrapped around the nerve. Ugh. Anyway, the surgery was rough but I was still thinking I'd be fine a few days later like all the dentists and hygenists had lightly promised. I followed all instructions so as to avoid infection, dry socket, and all manner of horrible complications. The procedure was on a Friday and low and behold, by Wednesday I was still in a lot of pain and finally called in. I found out I have two dry sockets, they can just happen even if you do everything to prevent them, and now I've been in daily (except on the weekends) for a disgusting treatment. The treatment helps with the pain but fills my mouth with a hideous clove/camphor taste that is really strong and taints all food. Last night, the night before a new semester started, I couldn't fall asleep until 3:00 because the dull aching had returned in spite of taking tons of ibuprofen. I brought this up today and the oral surgeon snidely remarked that I had teeth surgically removed from my head so of course there would be pain. Yeah, that's true, but it was a week and a half ago and the dental industry had me convinced that I'd be fine a few days later. Anyway, the wisdom teeth thing has been totally sucky but by this Wednesday, I just might be done with treatments and be able to avoid that god-awful office that smells so hospital-y that my fiance nearly passed out while waiting for me. If this goes beyond two weeks past the procedure date, though, I'm really going to flip out.

Anyway, being laid up from an unpleasant yet minor issue made me desperate to do normal things like getting dressed, wearing make-up, combing my hair, etc. Each time I got well enough to do one or some of these activities (and wasn't hurling from the pain meds), it was like a small victory. I was also like a tiny child learning how to eat, moving from liquids to mush and even to a piece of bread, table foods! Finally today I've felt pretty normal (although, obviously tired and consequently crabby) and being back for the first day of the semester has been fantastic. I can't wait to go back tomorrow and be well rested too. Being around colleagues, being on an official schedule, I know that it often oppresses people but for the moment I'm going to enjoy it and have a wonderful start to the semester.


At 8:29 p. m., de gener 24, 2006, Blogger Corgimom said...

What a wretched experience! Mine was awful too. I had them out about 2 years ago. Mine were impacted too, and part of my jaw had to be drilled away to get them out. I had them out on a wed. and was dying when my pain meds ran out on Sunday, and we had to call in for me. I tell you, that codeine stuff rocks! Take care, and hang in there. It will get better- eventually. It took me about a month to feel normal again, it took my sister-in-law about 2 days to feel normal. It is different for everyone.


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