diumenge, d’agost 05, 2007


We had a nice weekend visiting with the fam and getting to know Conner. He was very cute and very sleepy every time we saw him; unfortunately for his mama, he sometimes works on developing those lungs but we didn't get to see/hear it.

This weekend was also my sister and sister-in-law's birthdays (same day) so we toasted them.

Tonight I made a Spanish soup for dinner since it was sorta gray out. It was a chickpea soup flavored with the smoked paprika common to Spain; that smokiness made Austin call it the split pea and ham of Spain. I also made a smoked paprika infused olive oil which we drizzled on top, later adding a little plain yogurt too. It turned out great with some crusty bread on the side. I have put in a picture below with the cookbook from which I pulled the recipe; it was a wedding gift from my friend, Sharon.

conner 010

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