dissabte, d’agost 27, 2005


For the department meeting yesterday, I brought mini-quiches. They were made with smoked gouda and bacon although I did some vegetarian ones. Being in a Foreign Languages department can be challenging because there are a lot of talented chefs who create interesting dishes so I thought mini-quiches would be cool. They went over well even though there were two grown-up quiches there along with my babies :) Also, someone always brings wine and how many people have a job where you get to drink wine at work in the middle of the day? I mean legally?! And the desserts... chocolate gâteaux, strawberry torte, peach cobbler... A good time was had by all!

Oh, and as a side note, we had to cancel our wine night on Wednesday because Austin was sick but we are on for next Wednesday and are planning some kind of baked brie. If anyone has ideas for good wine hors d'oeuvres, please comment!