diumenge, d’agost 26, 2007

Farmers Market

We went to the Farmers Market on Saturday to pick up some things for dinner. We didn't know what we were going to make; we just let the market inspire us. It was perfect weather and with so many things being in season, the colors were beautiful.

A rainbow of peppers.

Rainbow of peppers

Organic, red tomatoes.


We bought red potatoes here.


Dessert? We sampled several truffles including wasabi-black sesame and ginger lime.


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diumenge, d’agost 19, 2007


On Friday night, we were off to my cousin Lisa's bachelorette party downtown St. Paul. We stayed at the Hilton and had dinner at Pazzaluna; Kacie, Angie, and I shared a bruschetta appetizer, tomato-basil gnocchi, and pasta a la caprese. Some alleged former NHL players sent over lots of wine and we liked the house red although I didn't pay attention to the details. Then we were off to some bars and Lisa had a good time so our mission was accomplished.

I hadn't been sleeping well before the late night on Friday so when I got home on Saturday, I just laid around reading and relaxing. It was cool and rainy so lots of tea was in order. I went to bed at 9:00 and got up at 8:00; I knew I was tired but I couldn't believe that I slept in so late. I think it must have been because it was grey out and the sun wasn't beating in on me.

Now I'm feeling great and Austin and I are going to do some book shopping and run a few errands. Tonight, we're going to a "bon voyage" party in honor of one of my colleagues who is going to the Ukraine on a Fulbright teaching award. Monday my contract starts and life will feel normal again.

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What's the Story, Morning Glory?

I grew some morning glories from seed and threw an old tomato cage on the pot so they could climb something. Every morning, I check to see how many flowers opened cuz I'm dorky that way. Simple pleasures...

morningglories 010

morningglories 011

morningglories 005

morningglories 003

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dimecres, d’agost 15, 2007

More Bullet Blogging

I've been behind on blogging so the only solution is more bullet points to bring me up to speed. I kind of like posting that way, maybe that's why I am enjoying my new Twitter account thingie. Anyway, here's the latest in random order.

Stuff That's Happened

◘ I finished my little summer stint at The Office.

◘ I visited with my sister and lots of other fam.

◘ I've gone on lots of walks in the company of my little shuffle or my friends.

◘ I had lunch with Sharon on Grand Avenue.

◘ I've gone to campus several times to work on random stuff. I'll be officially under contract next Monday so I'm enjoying the last days of unscheduled time.

◘ I made my friends Cath and Siena a tortilla for lunch and Catherine shared French Granny's secret dessert recipe with me. Puff pastry and fresh berries, mmm!
French Granny berry dessert

Stuff That's Coming Up

◘ My cousin's bachelorette party downtown St. Paul. Anyone been to Pazzaluna?

◘ Fall Semester

◘ My cousins' weddings (note the apostrophe s- two cousins are getting married two consecutive weekends in the Duluth area).

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dimecres, d’agost 08, 2007

GREat- It's done

I took the GRE today and got that out of the way, whew! Now I need to start writing some really brilliant statements of purpose.

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diumenge, d’agost 05, 2007


We had a nice weekend visiting with the fam and getting to know Conner. He was very cute and very sleepy every time we saw him; unfortunately for his mama, he sometimes works on developing those lungs but we didn't get to see/hear it.

This weekend was also my sister and sister-in-law's birthdays (same day) so we toasted them.

Tonight I made a Spanish soup for dinner since it was sorta gray out. It was a chickpea soup flavored with the smoked paprika common to Spain; that smokiness made Austin call it the split pea and ham of Spain. I also made a smoked paprika infused olive oil which we drizzled on top, later adding a little plain yogurt too. It turned out great with some crusty bread on the side. I have put in a picture below with the cookbook from which I pulled the recipe; it was a wedding gift from my friend, Sharon.

conner 010

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divendres, d’agost 03, 2007

Gâteau au Yaourt

The springform pan got put to use again today when I made a gâteau au yaourt as featured on Clotilde's Chocolate and Zucchini blog and in the eponymous cookbook. I am bringing it to the inlaws' house tonight and we'll have it later on or maybe for breakfast.

gateau 006

Our reason for the visit is to meet our nephew so I suppose this could be my little birthday cake for Conner.

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