dijous, de setembre 01, 2005

85 Pound Surprise

My dad emailed me yesterday to tell me that I'd be getting a surprise housewarming gift via UPS and I should keep an eye out for it. I checked out the tracking number and was surprised to see it was an 85 pound package! Austin went home at lunch so he was able to update me while I was still at work. Dear ol' dad had sent a wine fridge for us! Wow! It is beautiful... smoked glass door, soft interior lighting, and two climates for reds and whites. We are having friends over tonight for a wine tasting along with some hors d'oeuvres so our new 85 pound pet can be properly introduced to society.


At 6:33 p. m., de setembre 01, 2005, Blogger Elizabeth said...

That is so cool! I expect photos tomorrow (of the wine and of the wine cooler). And your TPS report.


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