dijous, d’octubre 27, 2005

Another Busy Week

Last Friday, LeeAnne came to visit and we went to an interior design class. It was interesting and generated some new ideas though more than anything, it made me wish I had the resources (time and money) to be able to do a lot of things to my little piece of the world. Ah well, I do like our new place a lot and it's coming together, slowly but surely.

Then Sat-Sun we went to Austin's parents' to visit with his brother. I'm going to post some pics of beautiful fall leaves from their yard. Anyway, it was a good visit but we got home fairly late on Sunday and it seems like I've been spending this whole week trying to catch up.

I keep saying I need to compare my class syllabi every semester but I never do and then somehow I end up with every section turning in compositions at the same time. I'm currently buried under 106! I also volunteered to help someone with research on language acquisition, a field I'm very interested in but that's one more thing to work on. Besides work, I'm writing papers for an education class I'm taking this semester too. I feel busy but so does everyone else in the world so I have to say I'm thankful to be busy with things I like (mostly).

Tomorrow night, my sis and bro-in-law will be staying with us. I think we're going to check out a new Irish pub that opened. I previewed it with Sean and Angie last night and was pleased. We really needed something like that. Then the rest of the weekend will be spent digging out! It's a rare weekend that we won't be busy straight through and I'm happy to be at home in our own space. I'm loving the gas fireplace and I think I will continue to get good use out of it as the weather keeps getting cooler. Correcting comps doesn't sound as bad if it's at home in the pj's in front of the fire with a glass of wine.


At 8:13 p. m., d’octubre 27, 2005, Blogger Elizabeth said...

OMG! We are twinsies. My brother in law (Ryan's bro) and his wife are coming to visit US this weekend too! Actually, they are coming to L.A. for a WORLD OF WARCRAFT CONVENTION!! WHooooo! I'll try to get them to take pictures. But you have to tell Austin. I'll try to find a link to it or something. I'm not sure what it's called.


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