dimarts, de febrer 07, 2006

Super Busy, Super Bowl

This semester is really busy for me. Besides all the classes I'm teaching, I'm also taking a French class, in a book group, and volunteering once a week at a local middle school. I'm happy with what I'm doing but it's sometimes been hard when I don't sleep well and I seem to have inherited my mother's sleeping problems. Last night was the first night in a week that I actually slept well and slept through the night (i.e. only woke up at 12:30 and 5:30). My doctor said I have to take at least an hour before bed to read, take a bath, knit, do anything quiet and calming. It works but I can't believe how hard it is to actually do that!

Besides a busy week, I had a friend over during the weekend and we had a blast. We went out for delicious Mexican food and then just hung out, sipping wine and chatting. After she left on Sunday, the first Super Bowl party guest arrived about ten minutes later and we had people here all day. Austin's buddy borrowed a projector from work so we were able to show the big game in big size. Everyone had a good time and it was so much nicer than last year in our tiny apartment. Austin's been doing this for seven years and it seems to get better each year.

Super Bowl Groceries

Now I have to stop procrastinating, write some lesson plans, and try to find the last of the empties hidden around the house since tomorrow is garbage day :)