diumenge, de juliol 16, 2006

Weekend Weather Report

Yesterday was oven-like though we were comfortable inside and had our own private party. Instead of meals, we decided to do some grazing and got crackers, nice bread, hummus, cheese, and some veggies. We also had a "Lost" marathon. It was a good way to pass a hot Saturday and we were feeling sluggish anyway.

This morning we ended up sleeping in longer and as soon as I woke up, I knew why. It was darkish out for the hour so I jumped out of bed and looked outside and it was... cloudy. We looked at the radar and there is a big blob of cloud stuff coming right at us, though the forecast still predicts near-record highs. Being unlicensed meteorologists, we think that a bit of rain will come through and then it will get hot and sunny after the system passes. Still, I'll take the dark for now.

When I was a student in Barcelona during fall semester, I had just come from a week in Paris where it was often gray and rainy-ish. This was perfect weather for taking shelter in museums or cafes, feeling all tucked in with a cuppa and a journal. I loved it. In Barcelona it was blue skies and sunny. All. The. Time. Some people crave this kind of weather but after awhile, it started to actually become depressing to me. I wanted a rainy day, perhaps cool enough to pull on a sweater, and I wanted to go own a table at a cafe and write. I wanted to properly enjoy a bowl of hot soup; it was fall after all. I recall about one day of rain in Bcn and everyone hated it, dreaded it, complained about it but I revelled in it.

Austin and I have been getting sick of this hot, summery weather that makes us feel so sluggish. He understands my self-diagnosed Sun Syndrome but today, at least for awhile, we have clouds and dark! I could tell instantly how much more energetic I felt, fresh from sleeping but cleaning up the kitchen and running around the house with much more zest.

I guess this is why fall is my favorite season and my ideal geographic location is the Pacific NW. Luckily I married a man who shares those feelings so even when we're stuck in the dog days of summer, he at least gets why I sometimes sneer at the sun as though I was suffering from the worst hangover ever.


At 10:00 a. m., de juliol 17, 2006, Blogger Elizabeth said...

Hot weather really blows. And you know, the humidity really does make a difference. 100 degrees plus humidity is SUFFOCATING, whereas if there's no humidity it doesn't feel half as hot.

At 2:06 p. m., d’agost 05, 2006, Blogger rhyan/djay said...

I hated Monday. It was HORRIBLE.
Hooray for rain!


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