dimecres, de juny 14, 2006

Honeymoon Newsletter 5

Greetings, Family,

We´re at the end of our Barcelona adventure, just hanging out doing a little email and strolling around before we head to the airport. We´re sad to leave but there´s plenty in store for Paris.

On Monday we had our cooking class and were fortunate to be in a class of only 5 people total (there had been a class of 15 earlier). There were two Australian women and a guy from San Fransisco and our instructor whose name was Pau (catalan for ´peace´). We prepared gazpacho, paella, bread w- tomato, a tortilla, and crema catalan for dessert (similar to creme brulee). It was very standard Spanish dishes but we definitely learned a lot and it was great fun. We all got to help out with different parts of the meal. Austin is posting photos right now but we forgot the memory card that had those pics on it so you´ll only get to see the finished product for the moment. Austin helped make the gazpacho and I helped make the paella.

Yesterday we went to the Picasso museum. It´s a nice collection of his early works and is in a really interesting building. After the Picasso, we grabbed a quick lunch and then took the funicular up Montjuic which is an elevated area so you´ll see a nice view from that. Many Olympic games were held up there in 1992. We just enjoyed a little quiet away from the really busy tourist areas.

Later we went to see Gaudi´s Sagrada Familia. It´s a massive construction of concrete with amazing amounts of detail and it still isn´t finished. Gaudi actually died walking backwards across a street to check it out when a tram hit him. Eeek. So in the pics you will see some cranes. It likely won´t be done in our lifetime but it´s still a marvel.

To end our last night in Bcn, we went back to our bar and had our favorite wine (we wanted to ship some home but it would cost over 100 euros). We were hanging out when a guy heard us speaking English so he came over to put his to use and he and his friend chatted with us for awhile. They were interesting people and then a crazy (female) Brazillian soccer fun joined the mix so the conversation was taking place in Spanish, English, Portuguese, and some French just for fun. It was a great way to end our little tour of Bcn nightlife.

Today like I said we are sort of moseying around and will head to the airport at 4pm, flying to Paris at 6:20. In Paris we have plans to do a boat ride on the Seine, visit tons of musuems, do Versailles, and of course enjoy some good food and wine. We will fly home on Monday, I believe arriving in Mpls around 6:00 or 7:00.

We are having a blast but enoying the downtime today so we can be ready to tackle Versailles tomorrow.


The Lunderoys


At 11:23 a. m., de juny 16, 2006, Blogger rhyan/djay said...

Hooray! Sounds like you had an awesome honeymoon!


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