dilluns, d’abril 09, 2007


I left work early on Thursday and didn't have to work on Friday as I tried to make up for not having the breakiest spring break. It was nice and I was able to give the house a bit of spring cleaning. After Austin got home from work, we set out on the trek down to Madison. We got there around 9:30 on Friday night so we basically talked to his mom and her husband for a bit, then crashed.

On Saturday we slept in a little and had a leisurely breakfast before setting out to run a few errands. With Austin and Paula's artistic input, I was able to find the perfect ingredients to make my friend's wedding invitations. The background paper is "paprika" in color and it will be followed by a layer of cream with gold swirlies on it topped off by the cream sheet with the invitation text. I loved the paprika and Austin found the accenting sheets. I am really pleased to do this for Sharon and Matt though I hope the invitations turn out in real life as well as I've imagined them in my mind. I'm not talented at the scrapbooking thing like some people are.

After that was taken care of, we popped into the next door World Market and Austin finally found the stemless martini glasses he had been wanting and for the low price of $2 each, he snagged six of them. We also found our favorite Spanish Rioja at almost $4/bottle less than the price at our local shop. After a little more wine shopping and tasting, we also browsed through some art galleries but we didn't find anything that we were dying to bring home with us.

Things were going so well that I was able to laugh when we had the Cake Structural Disaster. I had made to layers of carrot cake and was frosting them before heading to Easter dinner at my sister's house. I hadn't made the frosting before and it looked a bit thin but I was reluctant to add too much powdered sugar because I didn't want to diminish the lovely cream cheese flavor. Well, the structural integrity of my cake was compromised the top layer slid off! Ack! By then it was too late to make something else so Austin and I purchased a chocolate and peanut butter creation from the local grocery store instead of bringing my failed (but delicious) cake along. Paula was bound and determined, however, to make it work and she ended piecing together a very interesting shape. It's hard to describe, but the cake actually had a sort of Celtic look to it. I told Austin it is now my goal to make an elaborate layer cake all by myself sometime after classes are done.

Anyway, dinner that night was really great too. My sister and her husband made salmon, mashed potatoes, and steamed veggies. Then Austin and I headed back to his mom's, had another leisurely brunch, and headed back home.

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