diumenge, de març 18, 2007

Austin's Shrimp Recipe

I need to get this recipe posted because it is currently scrawled out on the white board on our fridge. One accidentally brush up against the fridge and the secret could be (sorta) lost.

Austin made these notes when he was making one dish for me. The idea is that you can keep most of the ingredients on hand and make as much or as you'd like at a moment's notice.

Austin's Impromptu Shrimp Pasta

Shrimp Pasta

1 t olive oil
1/2 minced garlic
1 T butter
2 T white wine
3 T lemon juice
1/4 lb raw shrimp
1/4 lb pasta

Sautee the garlic in olive oil until it just starts to brown, then add butter, wine, and lemon juice, and shrimp. Cook until shrimp are pink and dust with cayenne. Toss shrimp and sauce mixture with linguine, then sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and fresh cracked black pepper. Serve with crusty bread.

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