divendres, d’abril 13, 2007

Friday the 13th

It feels like we've been having a lot of Friday the 13ths in the past year but I could be wrong. One night, I tried to do the math to determine the probability of the 13th falling on a Friday. This futile exercise just proves that my math career really did peak when I had a trig as a junior in high school. My TI-82 was sweet and we still use it :-) Anyway, Austin and a math professor friend set me straight but not without laughing at me a little.

The point is that it's Friday and finally, finally there appears not to be snow falling. It is mid-April so the sunshine that I saw while driving in was nice. I plan on leaving the office around 3:00 today and trying to get a walk in. This evening Austin and I are planning on watching a movie and making some shrimp that we tried last weekend; the recipe was awesome, New Orleans Style Shrimp from Cooking Light. Austin calls it "Chex Mix Shrimp" because it contains Worcestershire sauce and, while baking, smells a lot like chex mix. It tastes great, though, and we had dirty rice on the side last time.

On Saturday I have a couple of events scheduled with some girlfriends and on Sunday I am excited to have brunch with Bad Z and stroll Grand Avenue arm in arm, pretending we are on Study Abroad St. Paul. Yeah!

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