dimecres, de maig 23, 2007

SAHNM (stay at home non-mom)

Thanks to Bad Z for the awesome term that describes my current status. I submitted grades on Monday afternoon and have since been seasonally unemployed (I think? Maybe that's not the right technical term for me but that's kind of how it is.)

Anyway, I've been spending most of my time cleaning the house because it really needs it and because we're having people over during memorial weekend. Besides that, I've been reading lots of travel narrative and wondering why Austin and I don't just up and move to the Pyrenees, buy an old cottage, and spend our days remodeling it and herding goats or something.

This is a boring post but I'm enjoying a little downtime for now. It's really, really nice.

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At 12:35 p. m., de maig 29, 2007, Blogger Marieke said...

Oh man, I envy the SAHNM status, hehe! I've also seen it as SAHW (stay-at-home-wife).

I'm hoping that once we move I can have a couple weeks as a SAHNM before I have to find a job.


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