divendres, d’abril 27, 2007

I Love My Job

After feeling the end-of-semester slump lately, today was a welcome change and is one of those days that reminds me of why I love my job. Very few people get to do this at work:

-make students rap about the subjunctive
-watch students do a chicken dance
-make a peanut butter sandwich and receive a round of applause

Somehow, all of my classes were working on command forms so we got to do some fun activities. In one section, the gave each other commands to do things (hence the rapping and dancing) and in the other, I had them give me commands on making the sandwich. I was very literal so when they told me to open the jar of peanut butter, I pretended I couldn't because I was still holding the bread. They had to tell me to set the bread down, then open the jar, etc. Super fun day.

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At 2:33 a. m., de maig 04, 2007, Blogger rhyan/djay said...

Hah! That reminds me of old text-based video games...

>Get Ye Flask

>You cannot get ye flask.


>Syntax error.



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