dimarts, d’abril 24, 2007

Sick Day

I started feeling under the weather last night around 7:00pm and it got worse all night. I could hardly sleep so I emailed the department secretary around 1:00am and let her know that I wouldn't be in today. I always feel guilty canceling classes but I'm glad I did today (and I'm sure my students don't care).

I've been laying around, doing some reading, and managed to doze a little after Austin left for work. He came back on his lunch break to bring me some flowers which was really sweet of him.

Now I'm going to watch "Crash" since we've had it for over a week and want to send it back to Netflix. Austin will watch it after I'm in bed tonight. I've heard good things about it from lots of people; I'll post my reactions later.

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At 4:06 p. m., d’abril 24, 2007, Blogger Elizabeth said...

Noooooooooooo! Poor sweetie! GET BETTER KTHX

At 2:34 a. m., de maig 04, 2007, Blogger rhyan/djay said...

Does Austin routinely stay up later after you go to bed?
I usually stay up a good three hours or so after Meghan goes to be, and I've wondered if that's weird; or normal.


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