dissabte, de novembre 05, 2005

Love Letter

We were writing mock love letters in class to practice the use of comparatives and superlatives and two students wrote one to me. I will translate it here though it won't capture the cute little errors that give it a childlike quality. I also can't capture the wine stain on it that gives their teacher that classy feel.

Dear Kelly,

Your Spanish class is the best of all Spanish classes in the world. When I am in your class, I am happier than a girl at the mall. You are the prettiest professor at the university. Your hair is more brilliant than the sun and your face is like an angel. When I wake up, I am depressed until I realize that I can go to your class. You speak Spanish as well as a person from Spain.

Felipe & Manuel


At 4:56 p. m., de novembre 09, 2005, Blogger rhyan/djay said...

I'm totally ripping off that love letter next Valentine's day.


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