dimarts, de maig 23, 2006

On Marriage Licenses (for RJN)

Ryan J posted a comment asking if getting the marriage license means we're technically hitched. To answer that question, we're not. Only after the ceremony when the officiant, the wedding couple and two witnesses (i.e. Maid of Honor & Best Man) sign that bad boy are we official.

The County Clerk, who issues said document, told us people often don't know they need a license or they don't realize there is a certain window of time for processing, oops. We got ours right in the middle so we're good to go. Also, we had to pay almost a hundo to get that thing and we had to raise our right hands and swear we weren't married. That part was funny. Because I had to pay for something and was therefore the customer, it felt like my American right to complain. I wanted to make a tiny statement about the fact that all couples, regardless of gender, should be allowed to get married but the secretary lady had a number of doilies and fake flower arrangements on her desk so I made several assumptions about how that would go over and chose not to air my grievances. Sometimes I can be a little soap-boxy, I get that from my dad.

Anyway, I picked up the license today and got tons of pamphlets with it including how to change your name (which I'm not) and a lovely flier telling me not to drink and do street drugs while knocked up. Um, thanks, Government.

And that's how a bill becomes a law!


At 7:34 a. m., de maig 24, 2006, Blogger Elizabeth said...

As we know, a marriage license is also your chance to change your fiancee's name without them knowing it. Which can only be a good thing.

At 3:51 a. m., de maig 27, 2006, Blogger rhyan/djay said...

Thank you! I've always wondered that! Even back in the day when I was engaged!


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