dijous, de maig 25, 2006

An Old Friend Is Back Home

When we moved, we had to reassess our tv viewing technology due to certain limitations by the location. It turned out we had to leave TiVo behind and use a different company whose name I won't say but it rhymes with "Farter." I don't really care that much about watching tv but there are a few programs I dig and it was easy for a girl to get used to never watching commercials. I wasn't terribly concerned about the new system, again I was just in it to record programs and ditch commercials, not for any of the special features. But it wasn't long before the system started sucking bad. As I said, it was easy to get used to recording and watching tv in a certain way so I was really mad when I only got one second of Scrubs recorded during a critical episode.

Last night we went and got TiVo back. It's different than what we had before (no dish and I don't know the other details) but it was so, so nice to see the little TiVo cartoon guy again. He did a little welcome dance for us which we both watched with delight and then we purposely made him make the little bloopy sounds just for old time's sake.

It's funny that I care about this enough to write a post since when I lived alone, I had a tiny 11" tv that got about three channels (poorly) and was connected to a 1984 VCR. Living with a technophile has changed so many things...


At 2:15 p. m., de maig 25, 2006, Blogger Elizabeth said...

Tivo rocks the house and I love making wishlists. (like for Alan Rickman)

At 3:58 a. m., de maig 27, 2006, Blogger rhyan/djay said...


I recently got a new cool thing that turns my Mac into a TiVo. I can record live TV o my Mac and then burn it to DVD. WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!*

*not surprisingly, I have yet to actually use this technology


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