dijous, de juliol 27, 2006


For the past few days, I've been visiting some girlfriends. I spent an afternoon with LeeAnne up to some top-secret activities that involved white dresses. LeeAnne later made the best fish tacos ever; the recipe was from Cooking Light magazine which I happen to have so I'm going to make them again tonight.

Then I went on to visit my friend Julie. We had cosmos and the next day went shopping for teacher stuff and books. That evening I had dinner with my cousin Lisa to celebrate her engagement.

Now my visiting is done and I'm back to my home project list, namely shredding the junk mail that has accumulated for too long. The closets have all been cleaned and now I've moved on to the office. It's not the most fun work but having clutter levels reduced has been so freeing and makes us happy.


At 12:00 p. m., de juliol 29, 2006, Blogger Elizabeth said...

I looooooooooove throwing stuff away. I'm sure I have said this before, but it bears repeating. You are so right about the freeing feeling. I think our semester abroad experience (living out of only one bag) helped train us to live more like nomads.


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