Sunday Night
It's Sunday night and I'm all tucked in with a cup of honey vanilla chamomile tea, mmm... Just relaxing and getting ready for another week. I'm proud of myself for avoiding the last minute scrambling that I am normally doing at this time on Sundays. Weekends at home = productivity. Here are the joint accomplishments of the LundeRoy household:-washed dishes
-rearranged kitchen cupboards
-5 loads of laundry
-cleaned office (thanks, MH, for hauling the dead 'puter bits away!)
-vacuumed (by hand upstairs, roomba in basement)
-cleaned bathroom
-got groceries
Individual accomplishments:
-washed and waxed WRX
-finished some grading
-finished SLA homework in the afternoon
Not a bad weekend, lots accomplished but there was still time for relaxing.
I got kicked out of a strip club! Whooooo!
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