diumenge, de desembre 31, 2006

Last Day of Oh-Six

Waking up today, you'd never know it was New Year's Eve; it feels more like a dreary October morning with all the rain coming down. It's so dark in the house, the perfect weather for lighting candles, drinking tea, and reading.

Last night (or early this morning), I woke up at 3:00 thinking that the carbon monoxide alarm was going off. [There was no actual reason that I awoke, the CO thing was just what was in my head, and I often do weird things like this. Austin once found me looking for him in the storage room.] I confirmed that the alarm was in fact not going off but then decided to look at the crème fraîche since it had hit the 36 hour mark, supposedly as long as the stuff would need. It indeed appeared to be thicker but still pourable so I threw it in the fridge and went back to bed. This morning, it seems to have the same consistency in spite of the refrigeration but I know it's not supposed to set up like sour cream so hopefully it's right. The instructions say "thick cream" and that it is.

We have to run to the store today to get the rest of the ingredients. Also, Austin is also working on some art for our bedroom; we got a red bedspread and he felt we needed additional accent items in the room. At Pier 1 (where, incidentally, we ran into CorgiDad's parents), we saw a cool canvas for the wall which Austin felt he could easily make and in the appropriate colors. We picked up some canvases, red paint, and the other color we are using is copper so our bedroom colors match our wedding colors. Awww.

That's how we'll be spending the last day of the year.


At 11:14 a. m., de desembre 31, 2006, Blogger Elizabeth said...

It's a winter wonderland!

At 4:47 p. m., de gener 02, 2007, Anonymous Anònim said...

What the heck was my Dad doing at Pier 1? That's just not right... all that HGTV is starting to rot his brain...


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