dimecres, de desembre 13, 2006

All I Want for Christmas...

I work at a university so there are always masses of signs advertising grad programs, study abroad programs, etc. I hardly ever pay attention but today, while waiting for my lunch to heat up, I happened to look more closely at one and it was the program of my dreams. Art and Barcelona, sighhhhhhhhh....... and it's not just art in my favorite city, it's special art: hot glass (fusion) classes, something I've wanted to try since learning about cold glass (i.e. stained glass).

Aggghhhhhhh........ it gives me that indescribable feeling of sadness and frustration but total passion for something. It doesn't help that Austin had TiVo-ed a travel show on Barcelona that he had me watch just last night. I don't know what it is about that city, the place that at first offended my naive 20 year old self for being so unparislike, but I feel like it's not enough to know that I can travel there on occasion, I need to somehow have it more thoroughly. Maybe Papá Noel is listening and will stuff my stocking with thousands of dollars the summer program tuition?


At 5:32 p. m., de desembre 15, 2006, Blogger Elizabeth said...

Hey, good idea with the tivo. I'm totally doing that.


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