dijous, de març 08, 2007

More Cooking Gadgets

My cousin had a Pampered Chef party last night and while I am not a big fan of Tupperware-type parties, it was fun and there were a few things I needed. I ended up purchasing an egg separator, a lemon juicer, and kitchen shears. The egg separator was needed because it was formerly either my fingers or the shells. The lemon juicer is something you can use right over the bowl (kind of like a garlic press) and we only have the pointy thing with the bowl underneath or the reamer on a stick that allows all the seeds to fall through. The kitchen shears we have are very old and of poor quality. The PC ones have nice rounded tips so you can snip up your herbs right in a prep bowl. So, the Lunderoy household will now be in possession of even more kitchen gadgety things. I should think of something to make using all three tools.


At 11:39 a. m., de març 08, 2007, Blogger Elizabeth said...

I looooooooooove gadgets. You should make lemon, herb and egg smoothies!


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