dimarts, de març 06, 2007

LAN Party!!1!1!

Saturday's LAN party was a success. Austin and I ran errands in anticipation of the exciting event and we attempted to clean up a little on Friday night. All day Saturday, the die-hard gamers were at it. Guests arrived beginning at 9:00 a.m. and some stayed until midnight. They were all playing in the basement and it was a stereotypical male interaction, that is, very task-focused and not alotta talkin'.

On Sunday we just recovered from all the fun and I read a lot. School and house work were avoided. Yesterday was the typical Monday and I'm more in the swing of things today. One of my colleagues actually came into my class (students were working in groups so I wasn't instructing) and brought me a Starbucks latté and pastry to thank me for teaching one of her classes. My students were so cute, wanting to know who she was. If I had been feeling more creative, I would have invented a funny story. In the afternoon, I busted out the markers and crayons to make posters using the new vocabulary which went over well.

Now I'm doing some work in my office (well, not right now of course) with the goal of getting enough done so that I don't have to take anything home with me.

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At 3:59 p. m., de març 09, 2007, Blogger Matt Hoy said...

much pwnage was enjoyed by all. thanks for hosting.


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