divendres, de març 02, 2007

Attack of the Snow

I am titling this post as a nod to Attack of the Show, an obnoxious program that my husband occasionally watches. I couldn't think of anything else and sometimes writing post titles is tricky.

Anyway, round two of the snow has come through the area in keeping with the whole March/lion thing. All the schools were closed except, of course, the University. It's ok by me since we do have a very generous winter break. Still, I was ready for the work day to be over.

Now I'm home (lesson plans were left unwritten, ack) and waiting for Austin to get done with work. We are going to pick up our new glasses; we each actually found something that looked good with our unusually shaped noggins. The optician said my frames looked "studious" and they were called "chica" so this added up to a convincing argument for a Spanish teacher who still fancies herself young enough to be a chica.

We're also going to stock up on groceries because Austin is hosting a LAN party and needs to entertain with Doritos and Mountain Dew or whatever it is that nerds feed on when they are gaming. I, on the other hand, plan on making some artichoke spread (have been craving it lately) and sipping on drinks made from Pama (one of our guests works for a distributor and obtained a bottle at a reasonable price).

Besides that I think I'll have lots of tea and read.

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At 5:26 p. m., de març 02, 2007, Blogger Elizabeth said...

Did you go to your doctor, or to something like "Pearlvision"?

I totes need new glasses. I am getting to be blind again because of all the scratches on mine. Plus, hopefully Glasses Technology has advanced a little bit more and my lenses don't have to be so freaking thick. PLEASE PRAY THAT I GET NEW GLASSES SOON, KTHX.


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