dijous, de novembre 10, 2005

Olde English 800

Last night I went to my first knitting class and found out I already know how to knit "Old English" style. My gramma taught me when I was a kid and I was just doing what I remembered on my own but it never really felt right compared to the way I saw others knitting (hence the need for formal knitting education). Apparently that other way is called "continental." I tried to do continental but had such a hard time. Another person in the same class had also learned Old English from Grams and felt the same struggle with continental. She and I will probably just keep the OE style since it feels easiest to us and produces the same stitch anyway. There was also a little girl in the class and the teacher had her do OE right from the start so I guess I knit like a little kid. Oh well. At least Austin got a kick out of the fact that I'm "Olde English" style, yeah homie!


At 10:31 a. m., de novembre 10, 2005, Blogger rhyan/djay said...

A foh-ty of Old E! Whoooo!!

You should totally drink Old E while knitting; I'd enjoy seeing the results of that!

Another project: a friend once told me of a drinking game called Edward Fortyhands. The idea is that you have two 40oz beer/malt liquor beverages duct-taped to your hands, and you're not allowed to remove either until you drink them both. It's best to play the game with a friendly partner, so if you need to go to the bathroom or anything else that might require the use of your hands, you have help. Hee hee. ;^D

At 2:39 p. m., de novembre 10, 2005, Blogger Elizabeth said...

You should tell Grams all about your knitting class because I bet Grandmas LOVE to hear about that kind of thing!


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