dijous, d’abril 13, 2006

Good Morning, Paris

The alternate title to this post, by the way, is "Shot Down in a Blaze of Glory," just to preface things. I had to call our hotel in Paris since their online credit card thing wasn't working. I practiced all morning in the shower and then finally called (after first having to tell my cell phone company that no fradulent usage was going on, ugh). Anyway, I successfully navigated the fact that the person I asked for wasn't in, explained to the hotel man who I was and the situation. Things were going well, all en francais! Then he asked for my credit card information and I was excited, numbers, psh, kid stuff. Well, somehow I said "soixante-diz" instead of "soixante-seize" and I know those numbers, I do! So the shooting down occurred when the man had to address me in English. Oh, the shame! Austin was listening to me as he was waking up and I shouted at him "Austin, I failed my French oral, I failed!" I went off about how I even know how to say "soixante-seize" and he said that actually, I did say "soixante-diz" for some reason. Yes, I make this type of error in English too and should take comfort in that but I was so sad that I couldn't finish the transaction in French, especially since I was on to the easy part.

I do have a history of number problems in French, like when I was on semester abroad and had an issue with the pronounciation difference between "deux heures" (2:00) and "douze heures" (12:00). Why the hell didn't I just say "midi"?! I had to leave my host family without my little farewell party while French dad rushed me to the train station just before the train left at noon.

Oh well, this is good practice for me to make an ass of myself all over Europe this summer. Cuz I know I will! And really, what's the difference? I make an ass of myself in a variety of languages at work nearly everyday, either in front of my colleagues or students.


At 3:38 p. m., d’abril 13, 2006, Blogger rhyan/djay said...


You could always claim you were so awesome at speaking French, you were using state-of-the-art slang!


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