dissabte, d’abril 08, 2006

Saturday Morning, Sipping Tea

Another week has gone by in a blur but it wasn't too bad. I was a little more organized at work so that felt like a step in the right direction and made for more relaxing nights since I sometimes I have trouble sleeping when things are crazy. Unfortunately, though, Austin had a really stressful week but at least it wasn't both of us all stressy; that's never good.

Last night we went to dinner with some friends. Actually, it was a guy I had worked with in the Language Lab at college and we ran into him and his wife at Target in December. He emailed me, we decided to go to dinner, and we had a blast. It's funny how life works sometimes.

Austin and I have another weekend at home and it feels like such a luxury. We are just going to relax and enjoy it since most of May and almost all of June is already majorly booked up. Tonight we are going to make the panko breaded shrimp that we made on Valentine's Day to see if we want to do it for Easter. We're having the fam over and doing a big meal on Saturday night, then a brunch on Sunday before people head home. My mom gave us some really nice serving platters and dishes for my shower and we're looking forward to using them next weekend.

Finally, the wedding invitations are out! I was so apprehensive about sending them; once there were out there in the world, there was no way to make changes or alter anything. This is not anxiety about the wedding but fear of typos, wording, do they look ok, etc. I am the same way about turning in a big paper or even putting tests in the photocopy bin at work. I'm convinced that as soon as it's gone, I'll find a major mistake that I need to fix. Luckily, though, everything seems fine and now it's fun to watch the (online) RSVP's come in.


At 3:34 p. m., d’abril 13, 2006, Blogger rhyan/djay said...

I probably missed this somewhere, but what's the date of your wedding?


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