divendres, de novembre 17, 2006

Slacker Friday

TGIF and all that. I'm looking forward to a fun weekend and I'm already checked out at work. Two of my classes aren't happening today because it's oral exam week and everyone scheduled theirs before Friday. Ethically, I probably should have un-canceled the class but once you tell college students they have Friday off, well, it's a lost cause to try to recover it. In my other classes, we are starting the subjunctive and I LOVE teaching it. I'm serious, I'm that much of a grammar nerd that I love the subjunctive so I'm all pumped to do some related activities.

After work, I'm meeting LeeAnne for dinner in Hudson to make up for the snow-related cancellation last Friday. We will be celebrating her birthday and her engagement, both of which happened in October. We have lots to catch up on and we are very similar in that we are both constantly making, changing, updating, and altering our life plans. I like the fact that I can share my latest wacky idea to get a Ph.D. in Catalan Studies or something and she doesn't bat an eye, just encourages me but in a reasonable and realistic way. Then when I change my mind five minutes later and decide no, for sure I am getting a Ph.D. in Occitan Studies because it's even more useful and wonderful, she's never skeptical of my whims and still handles me with the exact right level of seriousness. It's great to have a friend like that.

On Saturday, Austin and I are rescheduled to go out with another couple on whom we had to cancel last weekend due to Austin's unfortunate health status. He's feeling better now and we're ready to see BORAT, as recommended by Bad Z and all of my students. Yeah!

On Sunday, I'm having lunch with a girlfriend who had to cancel on me a few weeks ago due to a work-related snafu. We're going to a cafe I haven't checked out before so I'm looking forward to that.

In addition to all this social activity, the man and I are also going to attempt to clean the house in order to make it suitable for Thanksgiving guests. I will also be doing large amounts of grading and work for my SLA class.

After this weekend, we're booked into 2007 and I'm starting to panic wondering how I will ever finish all the work for my class, the classes I teach, and the couple of side projects I'm doing. I might follow the example of Bad Z and chart the hell out of everything using a big calendar and markers and possibly stickers.

For now, though, I'll just enjoy this weekend.