dimarts, de febrer 20, 2007

Our Newest Ikean Acquisition

We've been wanting the Expedit shelf for a long time and it's huge, 6 ft square! We love it but I bet at least one person will be frustrated by it when we eventually move.

Semi-Filled Shelf

Now all of our wedding gift cards to Ikea have been used up but there is so much more that we still would like to get someday.


At 5:28 p. m., de febrer 20, 2007, Blogger CorgiDad said...

Hmm... I want to say this is the same thing my DW bought (and is as yet unopened) at Ikea a few months ago. Now I'm going to have to check that out.

At 10:15 a. m., de març 01, 2007, Blogger rhyan/djay said...

That's really, really cool!


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