dimecres, de novembre 16, 2005

Winter Wonderland

I woke up to a little snow this morning, on roofs and covering the grass though there were still tufts of green poking out. Then after getting to work, the swirling white began. It really is beautiful though I'd prefer it on December 16th and not pre-Thanksgiving. Oh well, that's life in the Midwest. It will probably be gone in a couple of days, then we'll have weird unseasonably warm weather for a few more days, then winter reality for the next six months.

My dad is coming to stay with Austin and I tonight since he's got a meeting here in town today and another tomorrow. Our new place is great; we have the beautiful guest room and I was also especially thankful for the garage this morning. Anyway, we'll hang out with Dad, order some pizza, and have my brother and his girlfriend over for a nice little fam-damily evening.

I also have knitting class so I'll be getting into the Olde English tonight, woo hoo!


At 10:55 a. m., de novembre 17, 2005, Blogger rhyan/djay said...

Whoooo Snow!
We got, like a half an inch. But the ice on my car sucked!


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