dijous, de novembre 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Last night we did our T-day run-around, finalizing groceries and cleaning. The big success of the night was scoring a case of our current favorite Sauvignon Blanc, Pomelo. The description says it has "subtle" hints of grapefruit but we find the grapefruit is more than subtle on the palate. It's often touted for being a great summer wine, no arguments here, but we're guessing it pairs well with a turkey dinner too.

The disappointment of the evening was not being able to find fresh sage anywhere. This of course makes sense since many people use it to make sage dressing but we did hold off on buying it for a reason: the last few times we've purchased it, the sage has been at the point of molding. Ugh. So I called every grocery store we hadn't been to and was shot down. My mom called her local grocery store and they said they had some "hanging up in little bags in the produce department." I don't know what it is about that statement, but I'm worried it's going to be dried sage. Oh well, we'll all live if the gorgeous white cheddar and sage mashed potatoes have to be subjected to the indignity of dried sage.

When we came home, Austin checked the bird and he didn't seem to be defrosting very well in the refrigerator even though we thought we had timed that well. We put him in a bath of cold water in the kitchen sink (he's not a whole bird, just a breast). I started to wash the kitchen floor and noticed that I had left a big puddle of water by the sink. When I went to mop it up, I realized the sink was leaking and at a good rate, too. Austin had to move the bird to the other side which luckily wasn't leaking and then I had to rewash the whole section :-( When I was a kid, there was always some sort of plumbing issue at Gramma's on T-day so I figured this was actually a good omen.

But then I moved on to the bathroom and had another floor washing misadventure. I reached down to the mop pail and, when standing up again, managed to bang my head into the side of the door. Hard. It was exactly like what they call in a novel a "sickening crack" and apparently I shouted some vulgarities after because Austin heard me from the basement and came to check on me. I took some ibuprofen and just went to bed. The good news is that there is no hideous, disfiguring bruise today, just a little red mark. I was worried that my family would think that Austin had abused me with a frozen turkey or something. Also, no headache or other issues; I think maybe bonking your head just sounds a lot louder and more serious when you are the one who lives inside of it.

We slept in a bit and still have to prepare the potatoes and green beans. Austin brined the bird last night while I was asleep so that is well under way. There is a tiny bit of miscellaneous clutter to remove and some final vacuuming to do but other than that, we're right on track and life is good!